
Over ten years ago, Al Sigl Board Member, the late Dr. Barry Culhane, and then- President Dan Meyers envisioned a partnership between Al Sigl Community of Agencies and Rochester Institute for Technology (RIT) that spurred innovation, multidisciplinary teams, and an array of ideas and projects that have so much potential.

Over the years, the partnership has continued to evolve to open more pathways for new partnerships. Each project brings greater awareness to these ideas that start as challenges and emerge as solutions, perhaps prototypes and potentially even commercial success when aligned with the right collaborators.

We are grateful to our many friends across the community who have shared their time and expertise as part of this partnership.

You are invited to learn more about past project work on these pages or on RIT’s web site.

New project ideas are always needed. There is no wrong way to submit a challenge – all ideas are welcome! Click here to submit a challenge idea.